But, how does one do it?

Well, that’s the thing There is nothing to do! It is strange that there is nothing to do because it is already done. Look at you and what you’ve accomplished! We become whole the moment we are aware of it. Drop heavy baggage and rid yourself of wet clothes while you are warmed by the fire. Enjoy a hot drink, woven blankets, and a fresh set of garbs. Sit and stay for a while, won’t you? Let go of the past, allow the future to be unknown, even if just for a moment. Be here now. The only place we truly are or ever have.

Letting go is difficult because we’ve been told something needs to be done for us to be successful. Well, if you’ve made it here, I’m sure you’ve found that there is always something to do and I say do nothing! As far as concepts are concerned, nothing is as something as something can be.

I am not telling you to sit alone in a room for the rest of your life or (even a couple of minutes) without a television, a podcast, or a song playing to distract you (although I definitely encourage this behavior), rather to not rush anything. There is no wrong time to bloom and things can wait. I’ve always wanted to do something. It makes me feel productive to have something done and in my name. I used to think that my work is leaving a trail of my existence. One I point to and say LOOK WHAT I DID.

Slow down; We’re already home

Take time to come into yourself and your own body after plenty of observing. It is far better to observe too much, than too little. To watch your surroundings, people, places, jobs, plants and animals, the lot. Cast your awareness out into the world as a giant net, but one with large holes for life to escape. The goal here is not to actually catch anything and make it “yours”, the object is to simply see things as they are, in a constant state of change. A duck will always be moving through the water, shuffling its feet below the surface, siphoning water through its bill, or floating in the water. Watch the world and toss your net.

Whenever pleases you, drop anchor and allow it to sink in the depths of internal awareness. How aware can awareness be? Take the lessons learned from watching the world and observe your body as you go through daily life. Be mindful of how emotions arise and how they are processed. A way to cultivate this mindfulness is by performing body scans throughout the day to check posture, breathing patterns, mental clarity, and physical ability. Whether you find yourself providing gentle reminders to bring awareness to certain places, or being effortless, keep the same kind eyes and forgiving understanding you’d give another in your situation. Forgive as soon as you would forget.

By cultivating awareness, there is an understanding of emotional turmoil, spiritual dissatisfaction, personal greed, and so much more. All of these feelings come from a place of lacking, looking for something which you, we, us, I, have been convinced is there; Success. This notion of happiness being earned such as a trophy after we get this or that. Always a new thing. A new state of mind, philosophy, standard of living, or something else to bring us enlightenment; Success. Joy.

It isn’t until you break the pattern of speeding up and allow time to slow down is like meeting yourself at your favorite place. Being welcomed to the fire with an old friend who has seen your stories and believes your truths. A sense of calm from experiencing life without judgment for yourself, the people around you, or the environment you are in. IT’S OK to be however you are, wherever you are, whoever you are. Always has been.

gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

Unhappiness stems from what I referenced earlier with a place of lacking. When we trick ourselves into thinking that we need more or something else to be happy or to be ok. That whatever we have isn’t enough, we don't deserve it, or too many other awful lies we tell ourselves. I've strayed many times from what I believe to be our natural resting state; Happiness.

Our resting state. When one sits with nothing around or anyone to impress. Without a real reason to be happy by outside influence or even internal distraction. To hold themselves as dearly and with as much simple joy as they would a loved one? This unbounded bliss and a heartwarming smile appear just because. This is what I mean by Happiness. There are those who cannot stand the thoughts of being alone and not being busy. The idea of a calm mind like a still lake to far too troublesome for them, and they must throw stones and cause drama to hide from their own silence.

We are so quick to give ourselves to other people’s needs and asks throughout the day, do your best to allow yourself to say a couple of words of gratitude. I’ve found a quick moment when I wake up, another when I eat lunch/dinner, and another round as I lay down to sleep help me open my eyes and awareness more to get out of the hustle of everyday life. Try saying three different things you’re grateful for every night and watch how much you have appear.

Moments of the Mundane

Often the times of greatest self-discovery, happiness, wholeness, (or anything else you’d like to say) are not the most extravagant times. They are hardly ever filled with fireworks, amusement park rides, or bountiful activities. When seen from an outside perspective, they can look quite dull and draft, yet to the one who does not see this observer, they are completely free. When there is nothing to do, what do you do? How do you find yourself when you are at rest?

Preparing a meal, washing dishes, cleaning your room, all of these seemingly dull or wasteful activities are some of my favorites. It boils down to being completely involved in whatever it is one is doing. Anyone can completely immerse/lose themself at a concert, but most of our lives are lived without any outside entertainment or stimulation which requires our undivided attention.

On the whole, we tend to pull back and have pieces of ourselves on the shelves and reserved if we think something is boring or below us. To enjoy anything to the fullest amount possible, do whatever it is which needs to be done with every part of your being. This is where the idea of time flies when you are having fun comes from! When we have fun, we don’t think about anything or do anything which pulls us away from our complete involvement in that activity. The trick is to find a way to have fun with everything! To not see things as good or bad. To be involved so completely, that all other tasks fall away, so who we are and what we’re doing become indistinguishable.