What if I told you...
Nobody knows what they are doing. What if I told you that everything I told you is false because I told you? What if what you tell yourself is biased because of the one delivering the message? Or the one hearing it is prejudiced? Our own judgment can stand in the way of what is "known" and what is true. Simple truths are part of complex universal equations.
Leaving the complex math to those smarter than myself, let's refocus on nobody knowing.
Nobody knows, and yet we walk around inside of our own bodies peeking out, hoping someone will help us figure it out. If you have found someone who can admit with you that they do not know, then congratulations, may you live in love. For others (myself included) we are faced with faces of others being faced to face the facts that none of us want to face the facts of fake faces.
Approach your own being with an unbiased, focused level of awareness to how you feel about your immediate experience. If judgment starts to arise, breathe through and let your thoughts pass on as your next inhale comes in. Start building trust in yourself and what you accomplish.
Being trusted with our own existence can be nerve-racking at first. Just as we know our cells to do what is best for our body. The Universe knows we will do what is best for it. Put trust into your actions that everything that happens only happens so you can be benefited to the maximum amount possible.
In all I know, I know that I don't know... I think.
Today was a good day. I was honest with everyone I spoke with. Today was a good day. I finished everything I started. Today was a good day. I shared ideas to change lives. Today was a good day. I learned more about myself and how I can get better. Today was a good day. I worked with others to accomplish difficult tasks. Today was a good day! I believe in myself more Now than Then.
Who is my good day for? You? So I can say that I did something special and I get to rest easy? To what avail... Good days are smoke in wind. Truly the essence of goodness can then be permeated across all days. Even now Seeking Souls may walk across desire and find themselves tempted with being tempted.
Delirious with sanity I find myself with the reality of humanity systematically deconstruct our basic subconsuius