Please leave your Judgment at the door - Thanks!
The universe if living its own experience through You/Me/Us, right now.
It/You/Us have no idea what it's doing AND THAT'S OK.
You're beautiful in cracks. Nobody is broken like you. Nobody will ever be as damaged as you are. Nobody will ever be as strong as you are. Nobody will take your experiences. Nobody will command your fate as you can.
It is OK to not know what to do. I think finding the boundary of your own thinking is crucial to development. How else can knowledge be found if we sit in our own circle of what we think is right? Are we not just bigger, stronger, and smarter children who are attempting to make sense of the world? I believe once we start thinking for ourselves, we automatically start to dictate to ourselves how we should live. Our survival instinct keeps us upright and well, but sometimes this instinct can be a little overbearing and it may start telling you how to live your life. Now you start living to survive, and that is not living to live. Others live to avoid death, but in this state, we still live in fear so we live with death in mind and hearts. To truly live with life, you must meet death in its lair. Feel it's hot breath, and hear your own voice call for the release of your own suffering. Understand the ultimate evil of your own creature, for we are all too human, and therefore too cruel.
Perhaps through suffering, or by dancing our way through life's occurrences, we find our own judgment of experience. I dare each of us to challenge their boundaries of knowledge by walking through the wall when it is found. When you fall, let it be forward.
-Stay Centered-