Little More than Scraps
Whatever is written on these pages are little more than scrap pieces of paper. Some of these pages I carry with me, others are left on tables, and more still now live online.
As if anything helps.
But it’s true, it helps me. I’ve written about hoping some of these words means I’m alive and I’ve comes back to these words again and again. I wish I’ve written more on here to read from the future, and take up more space online. Seems to be where we are headed.
Things I’ve left here provide some solace from wherever they are read. From my couch, from my head, I’ll read this words before I’m dead. So glad you’re here to enjoy these scraps before there is nothing left. Times are difficult, and they always are.
When we train our minds and our bodies it is often when things are the best. I’ve come to understand that when we need our best in the world, it is hardly ever under optimal conditions. Do your best when things are at their worst.