Fight this off again.

There it is. The looming reality that life is mortal. That nobody gets out alive. Realizing that life is by design, a one-way street. No matter what you do, it will end and you will die.

So, happy holidays eh?

Gotta love this time of the season with ringing bells, unbridled electricity usage, and another reason to open our wallets to distract us from the closing of our hearts. The whole “Saving The World” of it all. Food banks, soup kitchens, and the homeless around the corner.

Yet, for as fucked as things are, there must be equal hope god damn it! And, in fact, perhaps things aren’t fucked enough.

We’ve heard of the good times creating weak men memes and quotes. Because things still are good the best of us hasn’t been brought out yet. When things are truly at their worst, we will be at our best.

It comes back to where it always does, you. Me. I.

If you believe things aren’t bad, then enjoy the good times.

But, if you believe things are bad, then stand for what you believe to be right. Enforce this with your entire being and every action. Let your truest virtues and highest morals be demonstrated daily. Subscribe to an unwavering belief that what you stand for is just and take action in line with this stance; Then seek support. Encourage others to do the same.

Send me back to the labyrinth!

I desire to wrangle this hideous beast again

and show it a true monster.