I've lied.
I’m sorry I’ve lied for all these years, thinking I was not good enough. I’m sorry I’ve fought the current of change, thinking I was strong enough. It has not been until recently that I’ve seen for myself, that You have been right all along. Making up excuses to hide in the shadows, so I would not have to sing my song.
Yet here we are, with loved ones gathered around, all waiting with baited breath. To hear what I say, to cheer up their day, or perhaps share a truth to nobody but You, and to hold you as you wept. The stories I’ve shared, are dismal at best and I now feel the best it yet to come. For I’ve seen the clouds, part away from the sun, and I know that I am the One. The One of Two, The Two of Three, for there is only so much inside of Me. Alone I’ve walked, and Together we’ll run. The rest you seek, is hidden in what I speak, so I’ll heed against those who follow my words.
The words I share are full of heartbreak and despair, but that’s what seems so sweet. The salty tears of broken hearts hold nothing here to hide, just these thoughts inside which always seem to say “to just walk away.” Walk from your future, the one you imagine, the one with happiness and joy. Today is the day unlike any other to stop this perpetual nonsense! I stand when they sit! Sit when they stand! And follow my heart’s true song!